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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I Hate to Preach - this message...sort of....

I love preaching forgiveness; I love preaching of the beauty of Christ and the gospel, I love preaching God's standards for a variety of things; I hate preaching to teens about sex...but that's what I'm about to do...

"hate" is not really the word, dislike because of the age and relative innocence of some of the campers; anger because in any crowd I am sadly confident there will be victims of abuse who think they need forgiveness; aware that in any crowd (of any age) there will be those who profess Christ and at the very same time think it is okay to engage in pre/extra/homosexual sex...

My hope is built in nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; and a sanctified awareness that He has called me to this; I've studied and prepared as best I can, and begged His Spirit to control my mouth and grant me grace to speak as He gives the campers...and staff...the grace to hear. 

I'll be speaking in less than an hour; prayers longed for and appreciated

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