I'm reading Sir David Frost's Billy Graham - Candid Conversations With A Public Man, and enjoying it very much.
The book is a compilation of over 30 years of tv interviews (none of which I recall seeing).
I was blessed to see a Graham crusade in Kansas City, Rochester and Cleveland. The latter was historic as it was the first time Mr. Graham had a "rock" group with him...D C Talk.
Anyway, one passage from the book read today could have been penned by me:
"I'm still nervous when I stand up to preach. I always get tense and nervous and afraid that I may say something that would mislead people. You know, it's a tremendous responsibility to try to tell people how to get to heaven."
Billy said these prophetic words in 1964...
"I believe that when the gospel is preached; however badly...that the Holy Spirit is the communicating agent; that people are not really listening to me after about ten or fifteen minutes if I'm really preaching the gospel.
I think they're listening to another voice inside, the voice of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is applying and communicating.
That's the reason I disagree with the bishop of Woolwich in that we need a new jargon to appeal to this generation.
We don't at all.
We need the old jargon, the biblical jargon, preached in the power and urgency of the Holy Spirit."
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