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Monday, March 5, 2012

Title Says It All

"Hi, I'm Jack, and I'm a bookaholic."

Any that know me are not shocked by that statement.

For several years I interviewed authors for "The Family Life Network" of radio stations...that fed my addiction.

Over all the years there are two books stand out for incredible titles. The title says it all.

The first, by John Piper, is directed to pastors, and has been out for years:

The second book just came out, and is directed to youth pastors/workers:

(Oh, and if you felt led to read one or both, you could help me out by clicking on the carousel of books on the left, which will take you to Amazon...and ANY purchase you make during that visit will be credited to my account. Thanks)

1 comment:

number 5 said...

haha - and help feed your addiction???