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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Getting Distracted from "That Which is of Most Importance"

I am not "of Piper." I am not "of Warren." Neither am I "of MacArthur," or "of Mahaney," or "of Batterson," or "of Driscoll." Nor am I "of Calvin." I try desperately to love and obey the Lord God Almighty, and am more-than-willing to read and learn from others, while recognizing that the only infallible "thing" I have are the sixty-six books of the First and New Testaments. And until I see something that violates the basics of the faith, I will try to walk hand-in-hand with those who cling to the living Word and the written Word even if we don't see eye-to-eye on some things.

But if you aware of the not-quite-raging (yet) controversy about John Piper invited Rick Warren to speak at a conference, I believe Piper nails it in his response to that criticism, and whoever edited the following does it well:


Phyllis said...

OK, this is the explanation that has everyone outraged! To accuse those who disagree with him of secondary separation is below the belt. The issue is not first degree separation or 10th degree separation. This is doctrinal at it's core and to accuse those who are grieving of being judgmental or unloving is simply not a "loving" thing to do. The gospel is messy, has always been messy and if anyone thinks that truth is void of controversy hasn't read the bible.

David R. Nelson said...

One of my alarms is that Warren is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and is on the board of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation whose goal is a one world church. Along with his waffling, chameleon-like stance theologically, he has at the least dubious intentions. Coupled with his numerous "odd" choices of Jonas Brothers Easter, Muslim connections, etc., this should give us more than a little pause to wonder what is going here? If, as so often is the case, this is the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," what else are we going to find? I think we do need to be more than a little conscientious if we are to defend the faith once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 3).

Check out for his latest on this. He brings up other issues of note.