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Sunday, January 31, 2010

What's A Missional Church? Two-minute explanation!


BeckyJoie said...

That's interesting. It sounds good, too but I'm unsure what to think of it because I've heard the whole dispute between traditionalists and the "emergent church" on the use of that term "missional" and how it is used. I really don't know what to think other than that if the church of any kind is preaching the Gospel, reaching the lost and loving the brothers, it is doing it's job.Maybe I'm simplifying it too much. What do you think?

Jack Hager said...

Becky..."emergent" is like "baptist," doesn't mean anything without context. Thankfully (in my view) emergent has had it's day and is fading away (again, there are different types of "emergent," but I'm glad to see it go bye)..."missional" is more than a buzzword, and I think it is much more great commission oriented than the "build a big church and a neat program and watch people come to us"