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Thursday, August 21, 2014

TWENTY YEARS AGO???? DC Talk/Larry Norman/Smitty

Was having a facebook "discussion" about end times stuff, and this song rolled through my gray matter...looked it up and was stunned...STUNNED I realize it occurred in my count that is two decades did this happen?

Of course Larry is gone now; and DC Talk evolved into three fairly successful individual careers (and now back in separate groups in two cases)...Smitty is still out there doing his props to these men for hanging in and continuing to make music that always entertains and often edifies...

I keep hearing rumors of a tour next year featuring the (new) Newsboys, the "how many farewell tours can you do" Audio Adrenaline, and a certain soloist...a tour that will also feature together again DC Talk stuff...hope its true and that its near me and that I can somehow afford it...

Anyway, for those of you of a certain age this may make you feel a tad older; for those of you who are current fans of Smitty or any of the DC Talk guys, this may cause a grin or two...(sorry for the Spanish subtitles, but it's the only one I could find on a quick search)

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