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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Job of a Parent

This is from Mark Batterson's blog (author of "Wild Goose Chase" mentioned a few postings ago)...

I feel like my job as a parent is to teach my kid's three phrases: please, thank you, and I'm sorry. Those three phrases are three keys that will open any door.

"Please" symbolizes a humble approach to life without a sense of entitlement. It is the magic word. Or think of it as the master key. A simple "please" will open doors nothing else can.

"Thank you" symbolizes a grateful heart. When you stop saying "thank you" it stops the flow of blessing. But if you genuinely thank people when they do something for you, it keeps the door open.

And "I'm sorry" symbolizes courage. Why? Because it takes tremendous courage to admit that you were wrong. But if you learn to say "I'm sorry" when you make a mistake it reopens doors that have been closed.

So to recap...

"Please" opens doors. "Thank You" keeps them open. And "I'm sorry" reopens closed doors.

I know that sounds awfully simplistic. But the happiest and healthiest people are the people who are really good at those three things. They have mastered the three phrases. p

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