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Thursday, December 11, 2008

Consistency - Obama Should Issue a Pardon for a Murderer

I was pleasantly surprised when the Saint Joseph, MO newspaper published my letter to the editor Sunday. Here it is:

I was in the courthouse in Troy, Kansas when Tamara Kostman was sentenced after pleading no contest to the charges she murdered her newly born child.

Should she have been sentenced to a long prison term? Absolutely.

But had she visited an abortionist a few hours prior, the baby would be just as dead and she would be free today.

Is there not a disconnect? President-elect Obama states he will do all he can to make abortion easier (on everyone except the unborn child), and is a vocal supporter of “partial-birth abortion.”

To be consistent, perhaps he will extend a presidential pardon to Ms. Kostman?

Any human is shocked to hear of a woman strangling her just-born child. How can America sing “God bless America: while the thousands of daily deaths of the unborn do not shock?


Parkside View said...

That you for sharing that! I hope you do not mind if I share this on my blog, I think it needs to be put out there and it is wonderfully written! Thank you.


Tarah said...

oh, so true!!! But logic doesn't seem to have a place in politics anymore.

Unknown said...

How can people be so blind to something so obvious? So much for a Harvard education meaning anything! Pray that the Lord would open President-Elect Obama's eyes!

Anonymous said...

Your voice is being heard Jack. Keep speaking the truth!