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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Not All Heroes Go to War

As we celebrate, commemorate Memorial Day; it is fitting and right to honor our military dead, veterans, and active duty personnel.

It is also fitting to remember, as Christians, that we are soldiers.

And soldiers get wounded. Sometimes die. Sometimes, alas, they run. Or blend in with the enemy...

You that take a stand for Jesus in tough places...most notably a public (or Christian, for that matter) who seize opportunities to brag on Jesus at the workplace...

Sometimes you may feel all alone. Sure, you know He is with you; but it seems you are on a one-man (or one-woman) mission.

Not true.

You are part of a family.

And people are watching.

And there may be some Christians who, as yet, don't have the courage, the guts, the obedience to stand up and stand out for Jesus. But they are watching you.

And hopefully learning.

And maybe drawing encouragement...step by stand up.

Until then, they wallow in wishy-washiness.

From where did these thoughts come this early Saturday morning?


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