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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Blogging Commandments

This is some solid advice from Kevin DeYoung
I read his blog regularly, as well as his book, and it is all valuable stuff. Obviously my blog doesn't get the readership his does, but it is good stuff for all:

Every once in awhile it’s good to blog about blogging.
Well, maybe not good, but necessary. In particular let me make some comments about comments.
1. 95% of you never comment. Many of you never check the comments. You may go about your business. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.. (I am glad to read only 5 percent of his reader comment; I rarely get comments on here...wish I did!)
2. Many of you write supportive, encouraging comments. Grateful I am. (me too!)
3. Some of you offer thoughtful criticisms and make insightful comments. Well done. I have no problem with discussion and disagreement. But keep your comments short and your links to a minimum. Stay away from obnoxious rhetoric and don’t act like a scruffy-looking nerf-herder. 
4. Some of you ask specific questions of me. I’m sorry, but I will very rarely answer your questions. I already spend too much time on blogging. I could spend gobs of time if I entered the fray on every discussion or addressed every query. Think of the comments more like a letter to the editor and less like a personal conversation with me in a booth at some funky Cantina. (here is a minor disagreement; probably because I don't have his readership; but I will always answer questions...though the answer might be "No clue")
5. Monday Morning Humor is supposed to be funny. Don’t get too worked up. You’re supposed to smile, laugh, and say “Wootini!”
6. Don’t ride hobby horses. Don’t make every post about your issue. Stay on target Gold Leader.
7. Don’t be rude. It’s a sin. Go ahead and speak passionately and forthrightly. But don’t assume the worst about others. Don’t put the worst possible construct on everyone’s motives. Let go of your hate.
8. Don’t slander. It’s also a sin. Be careful with accusations. Avoid ad hominem attacks. If you pick a fight with everyone and refuse to reason with anyone I will ban you from my blog without warning and you will go the way of Alderaan.
9. Just because you can say something strongly does not mean you have something to say. Force may be with you, but try to make sense too.
10. I hope the blog serves you in some small way. It’s a joy to write, especially knowing that it may benefit someone. Sorry I can’t personally meet you, help you, or be helped by you. Someday in heaven perhaps. It’s the real Cloud City and nothing dark, insidious, or grievous lives there. (yup)


TFC said...

Someday, I may blog more than one a quarter. That is about how often I sit down to do that.

Mel said...

Interesting list. I agree with a few of those. I agree with you on the not responding the comments. I guess he and I have different views on blogging. I see it as a community and a conversation. It's not all about me but about my readers and w/o them, I wouldn't be writing. I like them to know I appreciate them. I kinda got the feeling he doesn't really care if folks comment or not.

Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

Lumpy said...

I like all the star wars references.
there I commented ;)
but he's exatly right a HUGE majority of your readers won't comment. I was having this conversation with another blogger I know the other day. but I am not sure if his percentage is correct though.

Anonymous said...

The blog is strong with this one. Good comments Jack.

John Wilbur