Firing Jesus by Greg Stier will take you probably an hour tops to read...
If you love Jesus, the gospel, and teens you will probably reread it almost immediately...
If you have worked with teens as a youth worker - especially in a church setting - you will be nodding in agreement, laughing out loud, and probably weeping as you read.
This is a fictional account of an all too often real event...the virtual crucifixion of a youth worker who is actively trying to disciple rather than entertain teenagers.
The author, who founded and leads Dare2Share, knows of what he writes. The brief book provides glimpses into the lives of adult leaders, teen leaders, messed-up-teens, and, most important, a youth worker who wants to please God and not provide "body counts," "results," or other junk that clouds the issue of discipleship.
I can't recommend this book highly fact, I'll give it my Hager money back guarantee that I've only offered for a few books - if you buy it and don't think it is worth the money, let me know and I'll reimburse you.
Here's another recommendation:
Derwin Gray, lead pastor of one of America’s fastest growing churches, says: “You read a good book once. A great book a few times. But a remarkable book becomes an annual pilgrimage that feeds your soul, strengthens your call and clarifies your focus. Greg Stier has written a remarkable little book. Pastors, elders, youth leaders, parents and students should bless themselves by reading Firing Jesus.”
And here is a link to buy it, in either paperbook or e-book: CLICK HERE
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