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Thursday, March 25, 2010

How Many Times?

I am not a "numbers" guy; in fact you can easily build a case that I don't like "numbers" at all. I don't keep track of speaking assignments..not "right" or "wrong," just the way it is.

Yet last Saturday, March 20, as I drove back from speaking at a youth rally in Concordia, Ks I was overwhelmed with gratitude for over thirty years of being able to do such activities. Preaching in a church, to a small Bible club, to large events, for a week of special meetings in a church, in over 1400 high schools, graduations, civic organizations, weeks of camp....all of it is such an incredible privilege.

And it all started because God drew me to Himself in a jail cell in Texas; following release from prison a few years later a couple took me in; later Dr. Al and Vidy Metsker took a chance and allowed me to come to Bible school...where Dean Potratz and so many others poured wisdom and experience into me...and because a host of people pray and invest as I and my family continue to serve as home missionaries; with no income other that missionary support and honorariums.

I am a blessed man who continues, by His grace, to try to preach truth, with a healthy dose of "fear and trembling" as I understand "let not many of us become teachers...for as such we shall incur the stricter judgment."

The photos are from that Saturday rally, me preaching and "Cloverton" singing and leading worship.

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