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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Weight of the Wait

A good friend, Kevin Davis, put "weight" and "wait" together in a recent communication...

Yes, "waiting", in our case for the buyer of our NY house to show up so we can move to Saint Joseph, MO, is a "weight" that hangs on us, clings on us, and, if we forget God, depresses, distracts, and denies.

Denies what? The sovereignty of God. If my frustration grows, it is, in truth, frustration with God...though I may not actually express "Why haven't You sent a buyer yet?" my attitude screams it. There is a lapse between what my "head" believes and how my "heart" beats.

I know God is sovereign; I know He has a plan and a timing and a purpose. I also know that He may never know why the delay.

But there are times when the "weight" of the "wait" is truly heavy...and, of course, that is when I need to "cast all my "weights" (cares) on Him"....why?...."because He cares for (me)."

So even as you pray the Lord would be pleased to send a buyer soon...pray for the Hagers, that we would not carry the "weight" of the "wait," but that we'd hurl it unto Jesus....and trust Him even as we, yeah, "wait on the Lord" and as He "renews our strength."

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