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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do We Need Youth Ministry?

If insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting different results, the style and strategy of "typical" youth ministry needs careful examination, focused prayer, and probable readjustment.

But the need to present the Biblical gospel to youth (and younger children) is stylistically evidenced here:

1 comment:

Shirley said...

That points to the importance of putting forth truth in the home at the earliest possible age and maintaining the nurture of children in the fear and admonition of God until God indicates the time for the release of the child to a counsel status. Ideally, Youth Ministry begins in the godly home and is carried on in the godly home with supplementation elsewhere as God leads until the time of starting another godly home arrives. God bless those who reach out to those who have no such opportunity and minister to youth as He leads.