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Monday, April 21, 2008

On the Road - Again

Tonight, Monday the 21st, I leave for Minneapolis, Minnesota with 28 fantastic teenagers and 16 adults for the Bible Quiz Fellowship National Quiz Tournament. Would appreciate prayers for the bus trip; for unity among the students (and adults!); and that we would reflect well on His Name throughout the journey. Pray for divine appointments to "brag on Jesus" at our meal stops, trip to the Mall of America, and to the hotel staff. Fifty-five teams will be competing; pray for a grand time to be had by all, and that we would all "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."

Don't know if I'll be able to post while on this whirlwind trip; and won't be back until Sunday the 27th.

By the way, the photo is of Midland Ministries quizzers...oddly don't have one of a full Family Life team...this will be a weird year, my last (of 20) with Family soon as the house sells we will be moving to Saint Joseph, Missouri to join the staff of Midland; so this won't be my last Nationals! And at least I'll get to see some Family Life quizzers and staff annually (assuming the Lord raises up someone to oversee quizzing as I depart!)

1 comment:

number 5 said...

we're about 24 hours behind you... see you in minnesota! crazy that we have to go so far from home to see one another! :)