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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Double Negatives...

While I was attending Bible school students had to write out a sermon before delivering it.

It was 1977. I was months out of prison, and a few years old in the faith.

Though I paroled from Oregon to California, God sovereignly arranged for me to learn about Kansas City Youth For Christ and a school they ran called "Christ Unlimited Bible Institute."

Dr. Al Metsker (the founder of KCYFC) and his wife Vidy graciusly allowed me to attend; and my parole was moved.

Back to the sermon...I typed it out, handed it in, and a few days later it was returned, with bold red letters from Dr. Al scrawled across the title of my sermon:

                                   DON'T USE DOUBLE NEGATIVES!!!!!

Dr. Al was a great guy, but not a fan of any rock and roll...

The title of the sermon?

Here's a hint:

No idea how many hundreds and hundreds of sermons I've preached since then...but even 35 years later they have fingerprints of Dr. Al, Dean Potratz, and many others from back in the day.

I am grateful....

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