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Monday, March 29, 2010

The Danger of Christian "Retreats," "Camps" etc...

As I read the following cartoon this morning I thought of the students/adults with whom I spent this last incredible weekend at the NWTFC Bible Quiz Tournament.Then I again prayed that this first morning back in the "real world" that those who had made commitments to would follow through with them rather than cave to the pressure of the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Whether a four-day event, a week of camp, or even a missions trip; the reality is Spirit of God can seize those days away from peers, negative garbage, etc to cause people to truly hear from God. But then it's back to the war zone...

Much like when I served in Vietnam and "R & R" (Rest and Recreation) came up. One moment I'm riding on the Armored Cavalry Assault Vehicle (ACAV), the next I'm on my way to Sydney, Australia for seven days. Once arriving there I spend all the time focused on partying (long before I got converted!), but in the back of my mind...five days, three days, 36 hours, 7 hours...and the dreadful knowledge that I would soon be back in the Nam.

Thus the burden is on the speaker, staff, counselors etc at such spiritual events to NEVER make it "easy" to make a "decision" for NEVER get into body-counting "decisions" as a way of determining whether the event was "good," and to tell the attendees that the camp or whatever is NOT real is rather a taste of heaven, and that the most dangerous time of our spiritual lives is the first several days after what is often referred to as a "spiritual high."

And the burden of the person who MADE a genuine commitment to Christ to deepen their relationship and obedience is to focus on the gospel, and on walking in faith and trust that this time it will work...even as Spirit of God works within us...IF we get out of the way and, duh, ask Him to!

The life of a disciple (which is what the great commission tells us to make, rather than "converts" and/or "decisions") is, at its root, one HUGE decision to repent and trust the gospel; followed by a gazillion moment-by-moment decisions to obey.

And, when those inevitable stumblings come, we run to my most-needed verse...First John 1.9. Reminds me of an early DC Talk song...Watch the following video and remind yourself that "If we confess ("agree with God") that we have sinned, He is faithful and just to FORGIVE us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

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