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Thursday, November 20, 2008

Finally IN Missouri!

The Hager family is finally in Missouri. We are still unpacking both at home and office; but we are here!

As we adjust I'll be posting more often, so subscribe via email or rss, or just keep checking!

I'd love to see some comments also! Like, for starters, what are the top three things (other than Jesus, salvation, and hope) that you are thankful for?

Yup, the photo is of our new HOME!


tvtv3 said...

In response to the three things we are thankful for:

1. Even though I'm not exactly where I want to be or working at what I would like to do, I have a job that doesn't make me miserable 6 days a week. Just having a job is a great blessing right now.

2. My family.

3. Friends.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for many things....but top three would be:

1. The lung transplant that my niece received January 4, 2008 and her continued health and strength.

2. The jobs that my husband and I are both fortunate to have.

3. Not only am I thankful for my job, but I am blessed to work with Christian people!

Anonymous said...

Your new home looks beautiful.

My "3":
My family
A warm bed
My health

Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord!! You are finally in! I have been following "your journey" thru Brookville Baptist's prayer chain.

I am so thankful for my daughter Elizabeth's health! Cancer free for 7 years!

For Christian friends and last but by no means least: a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Happy Thnksgiving to you and yours, Ann Perdicaro