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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

How Does a Prayer Warrior Evolve?

I know that this past year has tremendously increased the passion in my prayer life...and now that the struggles of selling the house and buying a house, and all the inherent junk there seems to be racing to a conclusion, I do not want that passion to ebb; but rather hope/pray this is the genesis of a continually growing awareness, effectiveness, and practice-ness of praying "at all times."

Thus this quote came to be at a very timely juncture:

“God uses the past and present difficulties of your life to lead you into a life of prayer. No one ever just decides to be a prayer warrior. God does something in a life that makes the person sense this need of God.” -Bill Thrasher

1 comment:

Angie Seaman said...

Love the quote. Thanks so much for posting it.
Blessings, Angie