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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tune Tuesday - 10,000 reasons

Whew...hanging with a ton of jr hi teens in this third consecutive weeks of camp ministry. Great fun, just a tad tired.

The worship leader at this camp, Shua, introduced me to the Rend Collective. I absolutely LOVE their stuff...

You've probably heard the song, but click the link and watch/listen to them playing in a radio station...with an accordion! As you may or may not know I took accordion lessons for a couple years in my (way) distant youth (I tell some that there is where my pre-salvation life of crime started)...and, assuming I can get my hands on one, am going to start playing it again after summer)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi jack! it's joey colianni. i loved having you at camp. I've seen Rend Collective, live, before!
